The Witcher Szobor 1/4 Geralt the White Wolf 51 cm


527 536 Ft


Cikkszám WETA340104231 Kategóriák , , Címkék , ,

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Weta Workshop is thrilled to explore the monster-filled world of Netflix’s The Witcher. Geralt, a mutated warrior who hunts down both monster and man alike, finds his destiny intertwined with the young princess of Cintra, Ciri, whose existence proves as dangerous as it is mysterious.
Soul-piercing shrieks echo throughout the dense forest as claws tear and teeth snatch in feral hunger. Yet despite the surrounding chaos, The White Wolf remains calm and composed, reaping the foul creatures lives with measured strength and elegance: a dance of death in the night.
To prepare, Geralt imbibes a thick decoction that would cause nothing but a painful death to most. However, thanks to the harsh mutations of the Witcher, the alchemical mixture serves to heighten his senses, allowing him to better combat the vicious, flesh-hungry, ghouls. With a silver blade steeped in oils harmful to the various necrophage that plague the lands, The White Wolf proceeds to rend apart his foes, knowing that with all preparations complete, the only thing left is the hunt.
– 1:4 scale statue;
– Made form high-quality polystone;
– Portrays Geralt of Rivia as seen in Netflix’s The Witcher;
– Made in celebration of the release of Season 3;
– Physically sculpted by Weta Workshop senior sculptor Daniel Cockersell;
– Fully dynamic base, featuring the dreaded ghouls bursting from the ground;
– Mid hunt, Geralt is seen in his iconic ‘Witcher’ form, wielding his silver blade.

Product size: 40 x 51 x 40 cm

Limited Edition of 600 pcs worldwide.

Please note: For this item, demand is expected to be higher than the available quantity, which may result in allocations or cancellations of quantities ordered.

További információk

Relikvia típusa


12.958 kg


26.5 cm


57 cm


93.1 cm

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