The Lord of the Rings Szobor 1/6 Fountain Guard of Gondor (Classic Series) 47 cm


209 517 Ft

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Várható megjelenés: 2025-03-11
Cikkszám WETA860104253 Kategóriák , , Címkék , ,

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In the heart of the ancient city of Minas Tirith stood a small unit of guards, resolute and vigilant, like a steadfast pillar of Gondorian valour. Clad in gleaming armour, they stood beside the long thought dead White Tree of Gondor, a symbol of a thriving bygone era, and an emblem of lingering hope, awaiting the return of their king.
The Fountain Guard’s watchful eyes scanned the horizon, ever on the lookout for any sign of danger. Silent and steadfast, for silk wrapped their faces as a reminder of their oath, he stood there, a sentinel of the realm, keeping a watchful eye over the White Tree.
In this moment of stillness, the Fountain Guard became a living testament to the bravery of Gondor’s defenders, past and present. As long as he stood, unwavering and resolute, the heart of Gondor would continue to beat, undaunted and unbroken, against the tides of adversity.

– 1:6 scale;
– Made from high-quality polystone;
– Sculpted by Daniel Holland;
– An iconic scene, recreated in celebration of the LOTR 20th anniversary;
– Immaculate detail made with reference to the original props and costume;
– Signature pose and armour.

Dimensions: 21 x 47 x 10 cm

További információk

Relikvia típusa


5.665 kg


32.7 cm


34.5 cm


59.9 cm

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