Muv-Luv Unlimited: The Day After Plastic Model Kit Takemikaduchi Type-00C Version 1.5 18 cm


Original price was: 44 438 Ft.Current price is: 28 735 Ft.

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részletes információk

“From Muv-Luv Unlimited: The Day After, TAKEMIKADUCHI TYPE-00C, the Japanese Imperial Royal Guard’s Type-00 Tactical Surface Fighter, rejoins Kotobukiya’s plastic model kit lineup in NON-scale with updates to its body and armaments!

This model kit features the previous version’s head module-unique for its simplified sensor mast that significantly transforms the unit’s outline-and parts for the main body and armaments that have been updated to Ver. 1.5.

– The pattern on the head is recreated using pre-painted parts.
– Includes newly sculpted Type-87 Assault Cannons and Type-74 PB Blades that have been redesigned based on TAKEMIKADUCHI TYPE-00R Ver.1.5.
– The Assault Cannon has two magazines that can be removed and assembled into a Support Assault Cannon.
– The Type-00 Close Combat Dagger can be deployed by swapping out parts. It can be deployed from either the wrist or the elbow, just like in the series.
– The hip joints are redesigned with a multi-axis joint, ensuring the durability and range of movement of the model. Furthermore, the addition of a roll joint in the thighs accommodates a wider range of expressive poses.
– The elbow joints and Mount Pylons are now articulated to accommodate rear-attack poses, allowing for four Assault Cannons to be used to recreate rear-attack poses.
– Hand parts for each side include: A closed fist, open hand, weapon holding hand, blade holding hand (shallow and deep grip), allowing for a variety of expressive poses.

További információk

Relikvia típusa


0.939 kg


9.5 cm


34.5 cm


41.2 cm

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