Lord of the Rings Mini Szobor Watcher in the Water 9 cm


67 489 Ft

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Várható megjelenés: 2025-03-25
Cikkszám WETA860204566 Kategóriák , , Címkék , ,

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Awakened from deep slumber by the innocent rippling of a cast stone, it extended its many slimy appendages, slithering slowly to ensnare its soon-to-be meal. Long forgotten though it may be, its gaping, toothy maw harboured no less peril, and hunger had only stoked its desire to feast upon flesh, now scarce. Yet, something about one of the smaller ones beckoned to it, beyond mere instinct to consume, something it coveted. As the group was distracted, the lake stirred, and the Watcher in the Water struck.
The Watcher seen on-screen was carefully crafted through digital means, with actors being hung upside-down via harness, kicking wildly at the imagined beast. Now, behold this ancient entity, meticulously brought to tangible life by our exceptional team of artisans.

A relic from the depths of Middle-earth’s darker realms, this miniature statue is a captivating addition to any collection. The uniquely sculpted form of the Watcher allows it to be appreciated from any angle. Showcase it erupting from your shelf or, thanks to the built-in socket in the base, mounted upon your wall, revealing its monstrous essence in full glory.
– Made primarily from polystone;
– Tentacles made from polyurethane with a metal core;
– Approx 3.7 inches tall;
– Wall mount on the back for easy hanging;
– Depicts the Watcher in the Water as seen outside the Mines of Moria during The Fellowship of the Ring;
– Digitally sculpted by Weta Workshop 3D artist Tiger Kang, with references from the original film maquette and concept design sketches.

Product size: 10,5 cm x 9 cm x 16 cm

További információk

Relikvia típusa


0.762 kg


14.6 cm


16.1 cm


24.5 cm

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