Frame Arms Girl Shimada Humikane Art Works II Plastic Model Kit Artynia 16 cm


Original price was: 39 464 Ft.Current price is: 37 494 Ft.

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Várható megjelenés: 2025-01-08
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részletes információk

“From Humikane Shimada’s SHIMADA HUMIKANE ART WORKS II and KASEI SEIBUTSU KYOKU comes a model of the new character, agent Artynia!

This model is a heavy-duty version of Arsia with more firepower.

Model Specifications:

– Includes a newly sculpted long-range rifle, large sword, and movable binder designed by Humikane Shimada.
– The large sword comes with two scabbards, one for storage and one for unsheathing.
– The movable binder is able to hold weapons as well as be customized with other parts.
– Includes three new faces: default, injured, and shouting.
– The face parts are pre-painted, allowing users to build a model that closely resembles the character illustration.
– This model can be assembled with or without the included hat.
– The HUD goggles and mask are interchangeable.
– Includes her mechanical right arm and clothed left arm, and their respective hands. Includes both left and right mechanical and clothed arms, allowing her to have both mechanical or clothed arms.
– The length of the long-range rifle and gunstock can be changed by swapping parts.
– Features a working scabbard that allows her sword to be sheathed or unsheathed.
– Her side armor is freely movable so as not to hinder the range of motion of her legs.
– The arms, legs, head, face, and other parts are partially compatible with the Frame Arms Girl series.
– The kit includes decals for the eyes and other markings.
– The 3mm connection points in the back, waist, and calves allow for the use of parts from the existing M.S.G series and Frame Arms series.”

Please note: For this item, demand is expected to be higher than the available quantity, which may result in allocations or cancellations of quantities ordered.

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