Frame Arms Girl Plastic Model Kit & Weapon Set Jinrai 15 cm


43 417 Ft

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“FRAME ARMS GIRL JINRAI, M.S.G WEAPON UNIT06 SAMURAI MASTER SWORD, and M.S.G HEAVY WEAPON UNIT23 MAGIA BLADE are released as a set featuring a new, original color scheme!

The color scheme of Frame Arms Girl Jinrai is a Japanese-style red and black with weapon units in a complimenting red color. The kit also includes silver foil patterns and unique expression decals.

*This product includes a specially colored Frame Arms Girl Jinrai, M.S.G Weapon Unit06 Samurai Master Sword, and M.S.G Heavy Weapon Unit23 Magia Blade.

Model Specifications:
·Frame Arms Girl Jinrai features an original Japanese-style red and black color scheme, and includes unique pre-printed face parts that are unavailable in the standard kit.
·Four face parts are included (Looking Forward, Looking Down/Right, Looking Forward/Down, and Awoken/Smiling).
·The blades of Weapon Unit06 Samurai Master Sword and blades and Magia Fields of Heavy Weapon Unit23 Magia Blade are made of clear red plastic.
·The silver foil decals with flame patterns can be placed anywhere on the model or weapons. Special expression decals are also included for users who paint their kits. Four eye colors are included (Red, Purple, Yellow, and Blue).
·The model can be displayed with the separately sold Playing Base A to recreate a variety of poses.

Included Items:
·Frame Arms Girl Jinrai (Original Color) x1 Set
*The armor and equipment included with Jinrai come in a matching color scheme.
·Weapon Unit06 Samurai Master Sword (Original Color) x1 Set
·Heavy Weapon Unit23 Magia Blade (Original Color) x1 Set

További információk

Relikvia típusa


0.579 kg


10.7 cm


20.1 cm


31.6 cm

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