Frame Arms Girl Plastic Model Kit Durga I 16 cm


29 913 Ft

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Cikkszám KTOFG084X Kategóriák , , Címkék , ,

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Based on the Frame Arms model Durga I designed by ToMo and transformed into an original female character illustrated by E-ji Komatsu, the Frame Arms Girl “DURGA I” is born!

Based on an “armored knight” motif, this model was designed with an angled silhouette. The armored parts of DURGA I can also be exchanged with Magatsuki for users to enjoy customizing.

Model Specifications:
·3 types of pre-painted face parts are included (Default, Winking, and Shouting).
·A ribbon can be attached to the bangs by removing the armor. Bangs without headgear are also included.
·The kit includes decals for the eyes and other gold markings.
·The characteristic clear armor is recreated with clear parts and has engravings carved underneath.
·The 3mm joints on the additional armor parts enable this model to be assembled and customized into various forms besides the default.
·The lance “Hale-Rung” is included.
·”Hale-Rung” can be separated into a short lance and mace.
·A simple round base is included. The attachment parts can be moved up and down.
·Optional joint parts for the thighs are also included.
·Hip joint parts are also included.
·The pop-out chest and shoulder joints can be moved, allowing for a wider range of movement.
·Using the sliding joint on the hip and the pop-out joints on the thighs together will allow for a wider range of movement.
·The hand parts are attached with a ball joint, allowing you to post the hands in a variety of expressions.
·The model kit includes five sets of PVC hand parts. The joint is compatible with other Frame Arms Girl model kits, allowing you to change out the hands to make your own custom Frame Arms Girl.
·The 3mm connectors on the arms and feet are compatible with gear from the M.S.G and Frame Arms series.

Please note: For this item, demand is expected to be higher than the available quantity, which may result in allocations or cancellations of quantities ordered.

További információk

Relikvia típusa


0.63 kg


14.5 cm


20.3 cm


32 cm

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