Fantastic Beasts Replica 1/1 Newt Scamander Suitcase Limited Edition


100 771 Ft

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Várható megjelenés: 2025-04-09
Cikkszám HPE60216 Kategóriák , , Címkék , ,

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részletes információk

“It might look like an ordinary piece of luggage, but it’s definitely bigger on the inside.” – Fantastic Beasts and where to find them.

Immerse yourself to Newt Scamander’s magical universe with his magical creatures (let’s be honest, who can resist the cute Pickett the Bowtruckle and Niffler?).

This Newt Scamander’s suitcase is the exact replica as seen in the Fantastic Beasts movies. Here’s the secret of our suitcase: to switch from Muggle-Worthy layer and the secret layer, slide the plate.


– Limited edition
– Official Harry Potter product under Warner Bros License
– Cinereplicas Brand
– Size: 450 mm x 300 mm x 150 mm
– Materials: 80% wood + 20% PU leather
– Monogrammed interior fabric with Newt Scamander initials

Comes with:

– Newt Scamander scarf with a NS PU leather monogram
– Fantastic Beasts world map to start looking for them !


– One Muggle-Worthy layer for you to hide your wizard identity
– One secret magical hidden layer for your fantastic beasts and only accessible to your wizards friends !

Switch between layers to hide your wizarding secrets from Muggles, get your wizard wand and start your journey to meet fantastic beasts !

További információk

Relikvia típusa


4.248 kg


18.5 cm


37.3 cm


47.9 cm

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