Disney Master Craft Szobor Beauty and the Beast Beast 39 cm


182 537 Ft


Cikkszám BKDMC-058 Kategóriák , , Címkék , ,

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“In the journey of life, there are always miracles that change everything!

The tale of ‘Beauty and the Beast’ starts off with a prince being cursed to live as a Beast, and together with his loyal servants, he slowly loses hope in finding a cure. But not all is lost, as the lives of the Beast and a headstrong girl named Belle become intertwined when she sets off to rescue her father, ultimately selflessly trading her freedom for her father’s safety. The rest is cinematic history, as the Beast and Belle slowly fall in love against all odds!

Beast Kingdom’s ‘Entertainment Experience Brand’ launches a new pair of individually released Master Craft statues from the wonderfully warm world of Beauty and the Beast. In addition to Belle from the classic animation, fans can also take home a collectible statue of the ‘Beast’ himself to complete the pair. Dressed in a classic tailcoat, the detailed patterns on the collar perfectly match Belle’s gown. Expertly handcrafted and painted, the release meticulously recreates the detailed facial expressions and realistically portrays the Beast’s imposing presence. In the Beast’s hands and on both sides of the base, white roses are featured, symbolizing the deep love he has for Belle. This limited edition of 3000 pieces worldwide is for fans of the classic animation and is a must-have collectible to go with Belle.

Limited to 3000 sets worldwide.

További információk

Relikvia típusa


7.582 kg


30.2 cm


39.8 cm


54.6 cm

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