Bruce Lee Szobor 1/4 50th Anniversary Tribute 55 cm


263 724 Ft


Cikkszám BW-SS-21802 Kategóriák , , Címkék , ,

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“This figure is a beautiful testament to 50 years of my father’s legacy! Thank you to Blitzway for this superlative tribute!”

-Shannon Lee-

Even after 50 years have passed, the legend of Bruce Lee continues to live on. Blitzway presents the Bruce Lee 50th Anniversary Special Statue, a testament to his enduring legacy. Unveiling the fifth version of the Bruce Lee statue by Blitzway.

The “Bruce Lee 50th Anniversary Special Commemorative Statue,” created in honor of the 50th anniversary of his death, has been designed with the concept of showcasing various martial arts scenes from his movies.

Capturing Bruce Lee’s distinctive, fluid, and robust martial arts style, the statue portrays his dynamic poses and meticulously crafted facial expressions. Complete with his signature yellow jumpsuit, the statue vividly brings to mind his martial arts scenes, complemented by intricate details such as the nunchaku accessory and the base. Blitzway’s 50th Anniversary Special Statue truly encapsulates Bruce Lee’s essence, reflecting the spirit of his life.

In honor of the 50th anniversary of Bruce Lee’s passing, this statue conveys the indomitable spirit of a warrior he left behind, serving as a poignant tribute for all collectors who hold Bruce Lee in their hearts.

Product Specifications:

– Statue Size approximately 21.4 inches tall [W 360 mm x D 320 mm x H 545 mm (Including Base)]
– Highly detailed likeness sculpture of Bruce Lee
– Sophisticatedly tailored and designed outfits
– Oriental wooden architecture themed base
– 1 x Nunchucks
– 1 x Rod
– 2 x Diorama Flags
– 1 x Bracelet

További információk

Relikvia típusa


8.184 kg


33.4 cm


49.3 cm


63.5 cm

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